Co-Founders Note: Why Orthopedic Benchmarking is Important

May 01, 2017


Co-Founders Note: Why Orthopedic Benchmarking is Important

I recently read an article from Harvard Medical School, in which the author receives an order form in the mail for certificates, plaques, and even trophies for a big special award issued from a publication company. A publication company! The order form claims this doctor is among the top neurologists in his area. But here’s the punchline – there are only 10 other practicing neurologists in his area.

While these SkyMall-esque awards are … cute, it underlines the fact that the medical community needs to use data to define what “good” is. Benchmarking will be one of the most critical components in helping us come up with that definition, and we want you to be a part of it.

Benchmarking is here!

That’s why I’m super excited to announce that we’re blazing the trail as one of the first national orthopedic registries to roll out benchmarking as a standard service to our clients. And that’s a big deal. Everyone wants it, but nobody has had it, until now. 

The CODE Orthopedic Registry is a sophisticated, yet lightweight tool, designed in a dream collaboration with our clients. COR is live at 65 different sites, includes more than 30,000 patients, and is growing larger by the day! With these robust benchmarking reports, clients can compare surgeons to their peers, surgeons to the organization average, surgeons to the COR, organizations to the COR, and so much more.

To celebrate, we’ve declared May as benchmarking month. We have a brand new Benchmarking Guide for you to download, and we’ll also have exclusive content published each week on our blog, including a brand new Professor’s Corner, where data from COR is used to find out if size matters with orthopedic implant surgery. Very interesting stuff.

Benchmarking is a super powerful tool that lets you compare your performance against your peers, your organization, and against national registries. Using the data we collect in the CODE Orthopedic Registry (COR), we’re hoping to be able to set a standard, or benchmark if you will. Won’t you join us in defining what “good” is?”

Until next time and cheers!

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