The Patient-Reported Outcome Performance Measure, Simplified
We’ve Deciphered The OPPS THA/TKA PRO-PM And Prepared A Brochure For HOPDs
Reporting Timeline · Successfully Meeting The Measure · Who
Is Impacted · PROMS in the PRO-PM
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We’ve Deciphered The OPPS THA/TKA PRO-PM And Prepared A Brochure For HOPDs
What We Cover
Reporting Timeline · Successfully Meeting The Measure · Who Is Impacted · PROMS in the PRO-PM
Access The Brochure
Mandatory PROM Collection Is Right Around The Corner
In November 2023, CMS adopted the total hip arthroplasty/total knee arthroplasty (THA/TKA) patient-reported outcome-based performance measure (PRO-PM) for use in the Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) program. This performance measure will require that HOPDs collect PROs on primary elective total hip and knee replacements.

Failure to successfully collect and report PROMs for the THA/TKA PRO-PM will result in a 2% reduction in your annual Medicare payment update.
Ready to talk logistics? Get a free consult from a PRO-PM expert.
Mandatory PROM Collection Is Right Around The Corner
In November 2023, CMS adopted the total hip arthroplasty/total knee arthroplasty (THA/TKA) patient-reported outcome-based performance measure (PRO-PM) for use in the Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) program. This performance measure will require that HOPDs collect PROs on primary elective total hip and knee replacements.

Failure to successfully collect and report PROMs for the THA/TKA PRO-PM will result in a 2% reduction in your annual Medicare payment update.
Ready to talk logistics?
Get a free consult from a PRO-PM expert.
Meeting the Performance Measure
When monitoring the patient-reported outcome performance measure, it’s important to keep track of a few key elements. Ensuring a comprehensive understanding of these factors will contribute to an effective implementation and successful reporting.
- PRO Response Rate
- Patient-Level Outcome
Functional Improvement
- HOPD Level Outcome
Risk-Standardized Improvement Rate
Response Rate Requirement
Response Rate Requirement
50% of patients must have both the preoperative and 1-year post-operative PRO data collected. APU is impacted by successfully meeting this capture rate.
CODE Technology guarantees a 50% capture rate for organizations impacted by this Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) requirement.
Measure Outcomes
What is the Measure Outcome?
The measure will assess patient improvement following TKA/TKA using improvement thresholds between pre-op and post-op. The thresholds are set at 22 points for HOOS, JR and 20 points for KOOS, JR. CMS will publicly report the facility-level risk standardized improvement rate (RSIR) or the percentage of patients who met or exceeded the threshold.

Patient-Level Outcome | Functional Improvement
A proportion of patients should meet or exceed an improvement threshold between their preoperative and post-operative PRO scores: 22 points for the HOOS JR and 20 points for the KOOS JR.

HOPD-Level Outcome | Risk-Standardized Improvement Rate
CMS calculates the facility-level RSIR by aggregating all patient-level results across the facility. For example, a 60% RSIR indicates that 60% of patients at this HOPD had a substantial improvement following their THA/TKA.
Meeting the Performance Measure
When monitoring the patient-reported outcome performance measure, it’s important to keep track of a few key elements. Ensuring a comprehensive understanding of these factors will contribute to an effective implementation and successful reporting.
- PRO Response Rate
- Patient-Level Outcome
Functional Improvement
- Facility-Level Outcome
Risk Standardized Improvement Rate
Response Rate Requirement
50% of patients must have both the preoperative and 1-year post-operative PRO data collected.
CODE Technology guarantees a 50% capture rate for organizations impacted by this Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) requirement.
Measure Outcomes
What is the Measure Outcome?
The measure will assess patient improvement following THA/TKA using improvement thresholds between pre-op and post-op. The thresholds are set at 22 points for HOOS, JR and 20 points for KOOS, JR. CMS will publicly report the facility-level risk standardized improvement rate (RSIR) or the percentage of patients who met or exceeded the threshold.
Patient-Level Outcome | Functional Improvement
A proportion of patients should meet or exceed an improvement threshold between their preoperative and post-operative PRO scores: 22 points for the HOOS JR and 20 points for the KOOS JR.

HOPD-Level Outcome| Risk-Standardized Improvement Rate
CMS calculates the facility-level RSIR by aggregating all patient-level results across the facility. For example, a 60% RSIR indicates that 60% of patients at this HOPD had a substantial improvement following their THA/TKA.

Your Options For Starting a PRO Program
The PRO industry can easily be broken up into three categories: a build-your-own system, a do-it-yourself collection software, or a full-service experience that maintains and upholds program integrity
Build Your Own Solution
Time, Resources and Money
· Expensive To Build And Maintain
· Huge Toll On IT Resources
· No Promise Of Program Success
An External Software
Higher Overhead, A Lot Of Learning
· Weighty Employee Workload
· Recruiting Reporting Experts
· Hours Of Report Building
· Notoriously Low Capture Rates
CODE Technology
So Much More Than An App
· Guaranteed Capture Rate
· Configurable App Dashboards
· Automated Reporting Options
Your Options For Starting a PRO Program
The PRO industry can easily be broken up into three categories: a build-your-own system, a do-it-yourself collection software, or a full-service experience that maintains and upholds program integrity
Build Your Own Solution
Adding a customized functionality to a preexisting software.
· Upwards Of 12-18 Month Implementation
· Expensive To Build And Maintain
· Huge Toll On IT Resources
· No Promise Of Program Success
An External Software
A software that requires full-time employees to manage PRO collection.
· Countless Of Programs To Master
· Weighty Employee Workload
· Recruiting Reporting Experts
· Hours Of Report Building
· Notoriously Low Capture Rates
CODE Technology
A combination of software and service with proven success over the past decade.
· Dedicated Account Manager
· Guaranteed Capture Rate
· Configurable App Dashboards
· Automated Reporting Options

Your Ticket To Understanding the PRO-PM
Unlock CMS’ OPPS 2023 final rule with our HOPD-specific brochure. Learn essential insights about the new patient-reported outcomes performance measure and secure full Medicare reimbursement for your organization.

Your Ticket To Understanding
the PRO-PM
Unlock CMS’ OPPS 2023 final rule with our HOPD-specific brochure. Learn essential insights about the new patient-reported outcomes performance measure and secure full Medicare reimbursement for your organization.
Dig Into Our Thought-Leadership Blogs
CY 2025 OPPS and ASC Final Rule: What’s Changed?
The CY 2025 OPPS and ASC Final Rule brings significant updates, including a $4.7 billion increase in payments and new reporting requirements.
Is Your PROM Program Going To Meet The Measure?
If you have concerns regarding your organization’s ability to meet the CMS THA/TKA PRO-PM or want to understand the financial impact, this blog is a great first step.
Spotlight on Information Transfer PRO-PM
Of the new items proposed in the measure, what stood out to CODE Technology is the Information Transfer PRO-PM. We dig into the details.