Quality Metrics with PRO Response Rate Requirements Case Study

Dec 4, 2023


From A Struggling Paper PRO Collection Program To A Record Breaking Survey Response Rate


In healthcare, value is king. That’s why outcome data is a fundamental component of value-based care models. Patient-reported outcome (PRO) data is a crucial metric that helps providers track pain, function, and quality of life. PROs have become the gold standard in measuring patient outcomes. And guess what? More and more programs are embedding PRO data collection and reporting into their quality metrics.

The trend towards value-based reimbursement programs is picking up steam in the healthcare industry, especially on a state based level. These programs often require PRO data collection and reporting. Take Michigan’s Spine Surgery Improvement Collaborative (MSSIC), for example. It’s a state-wide initiative for orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons in Michigan working together to improve the quality of care for patients undergoing spine surgery.

As value-based programs continue to evolve, it’s essential for healthcare organizations to develop a sustainable and reliable system for collecting, analyzing, and reporting PRO data. This is easier said than done. Our case study shows how a client not only met but exceeded the PRO requirements of a state-based reimbursement program.

Our client went from manually digitizing paper PROs to exceeding PRO response rate goals within months of implementing CODE.


Our client was faced with the challenge of improving their patient reported outcome (PRO) collection program to meet MSSIC requirements. Despite their best efforts, the administrative burden of PRO collection resulted in a low response rate. It was clear that survey collection had to look different moving forward. The organization found a way to refocus efforts on engineering change by partnering with CODE Technology. In just a few weeks, the hospital reallocated the efforts of FTEs to more thoughtful abstraction projects while boosting their ability to collect patient reported outcomes.

The results speak for themselves:

  • Within one-month, PRO capture rate increased by nearly 40%.
  • By the second month, our client exceeded their capture rate goal of 80%.
  • Two months after implementation, patient participation increased by 22% through SMS communication alone
  • Digitizing PRO collection allowed cases that were abstracted to be closely monitored post-op.
  • Clear, real-time visibility on PRO responses and the ability to deep-dive into individual patient charts showing completion of PROs by interval.

“Collecting PROs is a time-consuming task that consumes a lot of resources, and it’s challenging to maintain a high capture rate,” said Breanna Cunningham, CEO of CODE Technology. “I’m glad that our clients, especially those who have a survey response rate requirement, found a better way to collect PROs and can really focus on moving medicine forward instead of being bogged down by administrative tasks associated with collecting PROs.”

Doctor looking at xray and referencing an outcome survey

With a workforce of PRO experts they didn’t have to hire, train, or manage, our client achieved MSSIC goals and secured additional funding. Now, instead of focusing on the day-to-day tasks associated with PRO data collection, the staff is able to allocate their efforts on transformational intelligence and improving patient care.

It’s exciting to envision what the long-term results will be. The possibilities are endless! Revealing patient inspired improvements to clinical care? Creating a tailored roadmap to exceptional outcomes? Happier patients, better outcomes and more cost effective care delivery models? This partnership with CODE Technology exemplifies how a PRO software-and-service partner unlocks more value for patient reported outcome data.

Lock In Financial Reimbursement

Let us be your outcome measure experts. Schedule a call with a CODE expert today to get you on your way to better harnessing your patient reported outcomes.