4 Things to Consider When Selecting PRO Measures

February 11, 2015


Choosing which PRO Measures to use is an important decision

One of the key decisions you’ll need to make is which PRO measures are best, and how often they should be administered to patients. There are hundreds of PRO measures out there, and the selection process can be overwhelming. In this edition of PRO Tools 101, we’re sharing the 4 things to consider when selecting PRO measures for your outcomes program.

Global Health vs Functional PRO Measures

There are two main ‘types’ of PRO measures: Global Health and Functional Measures. Global Health PROMs can be used in all types of patients, and assess both physical and emotional function. The most widely used Global Health PRO measures are the SF-36, EQ-5D, and PROMIS Global 10. Disease-specific PROMs are validated for a specific patient population, such as disease type, condition, and body part. Some examples of these would be the Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) and the Neck Disability Index (NDI) surveys.

The ‘best practice’ is to use both a Global Health PRO and a Functional PRO as part of an outcomes program. Together, they paint a full picture of how a procedure/intervention has impacted both a patient’s physical function and overall quality of life. And if you plan on using the data for research purposes, having both a Global Health PRO and functional PRO is a must.

Scoring System

Here’s where things get a little messy…. Each PRO measure has a unique scoring system. The annoying part is that some are like golf, where a lower score is the most desirable, and others like basketball — the higher the better! Often the scoring algorithm is quite complex and requires some math — so make sure that you understand how the scoring system works, and make sure you set aside the time to actually compute it. Another thing to look out for is if an additional piece of information/data outside of the PRO measure is needed to calculate the score. For example, the CCI requires a serum albumin. This is not true of every PRO measure’s scoring system, but it is better to find out before you start using it.

Patient Population

When choosing from the vast array of PRO tools, carefully consider the patient population from which you intend to collect data, and do your homework before making a decision. This is especially important when it comes to disease-specific PRO measures — there are PROs designed specifically for active, athletic patients, and others created for an older, more sedentary population. For example, if you ask 80-year-olds with severe knee arthritis how much pain they have when running sprints, they just aren’t going to know how to answer a question like that. Once your team finds the PRO measures that work best of the patient population you want to measure, standardize it! It is much easier to build a meaningful set of data that you can actual use when everyone is using the same measure. Sometimes it can be challenging to get all the providers to agree on the same measure, but trust us, it is worth taking the time to get everyone on the same page.

Administration Intervals

Standardizing the administration intervals for each patient population is a wise idea.  Regardless of the patient population, there are two administration intervals that are a must:

  1. Pre-Intervention: Always have the patients complete their PROs prior to their intervention/surgery to produce a ‘baseline’.
  2. Annually: One year post-intervention, regardless of what the intervention was, is globally accepted; and two-year follow-up data is required to publish in most medical journals.

Beyond those two ‘must-haves’, there is a lot of valuable information to be had from collecting PRO data between the pre-op and one-year mark — the key is making sure that there is enough of a change between each time period to make it worthwhile.  Meaningful intervals are different for each patient population — CODE Technology can help you make the right decision.

Schedule A Call With a PRO Expert!

Need more help with your PRO related questions? CODE can help! Schedule a call with a CODE expert today to get you on your way to better harnessing your patient reported outcomes.